Political Action

Politics has become a taboo topic because of cult like partisanship and 24 hour cable news. This needs to change!


Political Action

Why it's Important for our Members

Local 66 is a politically-active organization working hard to support our Local.

Politics exist in every job you do and every penny you earn. Your wages and benefits are deeply intertwined with politics at both the State and Federal level. With political action, you have the power to influence lawmakers and protect your career, benefits, and working conditions.

Our government is complex and to successfully navigate the legislative process requires cooperation with all elected officials from both parties. It requires us to set aside our partisan differences and focus, intently, on the issues that provide for our families. We must listen to, discuss, and respond to members of both parties so that we can truly maximize our influence in our efforts to protect our careers.

Getting involved with the political process is simple. It merely takes a phone call or an email to your Representatives letting them know what you think. Share your support of the jobs we do, the wages we earn, the healthcare that sustains us and the pensions that enable us to earn for a lifetime. We are stronger together and greater activity demonstrates greater strength. Protect our jobs, protect our wages, protect our union!

If you have any questions or need help registering to vote please contact Predisent, Jesse DiRenna, at (412) 968-9120 Ext. 130.

© 2025 International Union of Operating Engineers Local 66